We’re back in the studio and back at it!

Please take note, our Summer schedule has a completely different day and time schedule than our fall, winter and spring semesters. Please refer to our monthly newsletters that are always accessible on our website under our “News” tab, to stay updated on our summer schedule and events. We would like to apologize if there was any confusion on this matter. We will do our best to explain the system and how it works.

Avant Garde: Your summer semester starts this week and your tuition is due. We are adding a Venmo Payment option to the website for those who would prefer to pay with this option and avoid convenience fees. It should be running by the end of the day. You can also pay via credit card through the portal if you wish.

Things to do and remember:

Everyone must sign all the waivers policies and procedures before attending class if you have not already.

Avant Garde: Tuition for our Summer Semester (July and August) will be Combined since it’s only a five week session. The Breakdown for that is $13.50 per hour, 4 hours a week totaling $270.00. Please inform us if you need to miss any classes so we can record video and send the class to you. Tuition is final no refunds for missed classes.

Avant Garde Summer Semester Days and Times

  • Dress Code for summer intensives (I’m not requiring Leotards for summer intensives)
  • Dancer must arrive with hair in a low bun
  • Dancer must arrive in form-fitting dance wear. No baggy pants, shorts or shirts. I need to see lines and anatomy so I can correct alignment issues.
  • Avant Garde Dancers need to bring ballet slippers or socks until the shoe order comes in.
  • Please bring a water bottle (water is the only beverage allowed in the dance studio)
  • Please be aware we make every minute count in our rehearsals. Please come hydrated and well-nourished so that your body can handle the demand of our training.

Tuesdays July-August:  11th, 18th, 25th, 1st, 8th,  1:00 – 5:00

Leah Martinez

Maya Merrill

Cambree Redd

Berklee Thomas

Lola Millar

Natalie Castleton

Thursdays July-August:  13th, 20th, 27th, 3rd, 10th, 1:00 – 5:00

Mae Godfrey

Chevelle Dickson

Skylyn Bond

Kelsie Fuit

Lainey Stanger

Reminder:  Internship Opportunity For Our Full Time Students

We’re creating an internship program for our full time dancers turning 16 and up in age. This program is here to train our future instructors in Choreography, Class Outlines, Dancers Alignment Conditioning, and Judging. There will be required training hours (these are unpaid) Then we will be offering assistant positions and the pay for these hours starts at $10.00 an hour. As your training, teaching skills and certifications progress we will be offering pay raises. If your child is of age and will be turning 16 within this upcoming dance season, please start working on your Resume or Bio. The deadline for those interested is August 1st.

  • Please note we will be having our instructors sign a non-compete clause with our nearest competitive dance studios (Allure Dance Academy, Energy Dance Company, Eminence Dance Company). The methods I teach, I’ve spent years and thousands of dollars developing. We just want to keep what we hold near and dear, and what sets us apart within our community.

Soloist Reminder

Most have completed at least 2-3 hours of their solo training. Please remember that I do expect the routine to be memorized. We want every minute in rehearsal to count. During this 5 week summer semester session our Avant Garde students are required to have their 4 hours rehearsal hours finished. Emerging Artist and Conception Soloist have through September to have solos rehearsed and memorized.

Shoe Order

I would like to apologize for being a little late on getting that shoe order out. June was a bit chaotic with our new building and the big influx of solos.

Please text Kellie privately if you would like to order tights and shoes through us By July 17th. Shoes and tights will be required starting our Fall Semester (September). Please send payment for shoes through Venmo. If you already have ballet slippers, please don’t order more. You are more than welcome to wear what you have for rehearsals. When we choose costumes, that’s when you’ll want to order the correct color.

Required shoes and tights per class

Avant Garde

Convertible tights Lt. Suntan Child $7.14  Adult $8.34

Capezio Hanami ballet shoes Lt Suntan Child and Adult same pricing $33.00

Jazz 1.5 inch heel Character Shoe Black Child $24.00 Adult $27.00

Emerging Artist

Pink convertible tights Child $7.14  Adult $8.34

Capezio Hanami ballet shoes pink Child and Adult same pricing $33.00


Pink Convertible tights Child $7.14  Adult $8.34

Capezio Hanami ballet shoes pink Child and Adult same pricing $33.00

We would like to thank everyone for being so patient with our new building. I really wanted Avant Garde to be dancing together by now instead of having to split this class because of limited spacing in my home studio. We will be doing some bonding activities in September so everyone can get to know each other and create those dance friendships we all love so much.

Please feel free to call or text if you ever have questions, concerns, or just want to chat.

Office Hours For Brody (Office Management / Tech Guy / My life savor):


8:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday

Office Hours For Kellie:


8:00am – 2:00pm, Monday – Friday

(Im typically in the studio until 9:00pm, after that my time is committed to my cute family and snuggling them before we all crash)